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יום חמישי 19.1.23

Gymnastics Strength :

12 min EMOM

1) 5-8 Strict HSPU

2) 5-8 Strict Weighted Pull Ups

3) 30sec L-Sit

Conditioning: (20 mins)

Buy in: 400m run


42 Wall Ball

21 Push Jerk

30 Wall Ball

15 Push Jerk

18 Wall Ball

9 Push Jerk

Cash Out: 400m Run


Endurance :

For Time (T.C 40Min)

50 Sit Ups

100 Double Unders

50 Wall Ball

50 Renegade row

80 Double Unders

40 Wall Ball

50 V - Ups

60 Double Unders

30 Wall Ball

50 HR Push Ups

40 Double Unders

20 Wall Ball

50 GHD Back Ext.

20 Double Unders

10 Wall Ball


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