Conditioning: Partner WOD
2 Rounds AFAP
100 Front Squats (45 / 30kg)
80 Box Jump Overs
60 Hang Clean and Jerks (45 / 30kg)
40 Burpees To Target
20 Muscle Ups
I Go U Go, Partition Any Way
Accumulate 120 Cal Row / 85 Cal Bike
P1 = Row
P2 = Plank Hold
Strongman :
Strength :
Back Squat
Conditioning :
30 sec Work / 15 sec Rest
1 ) Sled Foword Drag / Box Jump Over
2 ) Single Arm Handle Farm Walk / Double Unders
3 ) 2 Hand DB Snatch / Devil Press
4 ) GHD Sit Ups / KTB Swings