Condtioning : (26Min)
Team Of 2
Team 1) Power Clean / Dead Hang
Team 2) Cal Row / Hollow Hold
Team 3) Doul DB Squat / Wall Sit
Team 4) Burpees Box Jump / Handstand
Work Time : 1Min Work | 30Sec Rest (Switch)
1Min Work | 30Sec Rest (Switch)
1Min Work | 30Sec Rest (Switch)
1Min Work | 1Min Rest Switch Team
Bulgarian Split Squat
6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6
Condtioning :
Team OF 2
For Time
1000 Box Step-Ups
Dual Plate
Bonus :
Drop Set x3
DB Shoulder Press
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10