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שישי 27.10.23


Every 2:00 x 6

1 Power Clean

2 Power Jerk

1 Split Jerk

*Increase Weight if Technique is amazing


EMOM x 3 Rounds (17 mins)

1) Max Burpees

2) Max Wall Ball

3) Max DL

4) Max Weighted Sit Ups

5) Max Hang Power Cleans

6) Rest



Team Of 2

3 Rounds


1) Tyre Flip

2) 1 Arm KTB Swing

3) Sled Press / Iso Lunge Hold

4) Yoke Carry

1:40 Between Set (3Min Include the 50 Rest)

Round 1 = Plank

Round 2 = Wall Sit

Round 3 = Dead Hang

Total Time : 39Min


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