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שישי 30.6.23

Conditioning :

Fran Meets Elizabeth


Thrusters (40/30)

Pull Ups

--2:00 Rest--


Power Cleans (60/40)

Ring Dips

Cardio Tabata:

1- Row

2- Bike

3- Singles / D.U

4- Burpees



Condtioning :

3 Rounds (36Min)

30 Sec Work - 10 Sec Rest - 30Sec Work - 50Sec Rest

1) Backwards Sled Pull / Burpees / Rest

2) Deadlift / Mountain Climbers / Rest

3) Sled Pull / Double Unders / Rest

4) Shoulder Press / Cal Row / Rest

5) Tyre Flip / Shuttle Run / Rest

6) Hang Muscle Clean Squat / Jump Over Bar / Rest

Rest 3Min Between Sets


50M Walk With Atlas / Sandbag

1Min Plank

50M Walk With Atlas / Sandbag


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