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שני 10.4.23


5 Super Sets

6-8 Bent Over Row

Max Reps Pull Up

*200m Recovery Run


AFAP (Time Cap 22Min)

10 Toes To Bar

20 Barbell Sumo DL HP (40Kg / 30Kg)

30 Knee To Elbow

40 Push Ups

50 V Ups

60 Thruster (20Kg /15Kg)

50 V Ups

40 Push Ups

30 Knee To Elbow

20 Barbell Sumo DL HP (40Kg / 30Kg)

10 Toes To Bar


ENDURANCE Part 1 - Cardio

5 Rounds

200M Row

200M Run

Rest 2Min Between Set

Part 2

EMOM 16Min

1. 10 Burpees Pull Ups

2. 20 Jump Sqaut

3. 10 Toes To Bar

4. 20 V - Ups


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