Strength :
Over Head Squat
Between Set
30 Sec Hollow Hold
Condtioning :
For Time
25 Pull Ups
50 V-ups
50 HR Push up
50 Goblet Squat
25 Ring Dips
100 Double Unders
*Every Break 100M Run
Endurance :
Part 1
200M Row x 5
(High Pace
M = 1:45-1:55
W = 1:55 - 2:05)
Rest 2Min Between
Part 2
50 Double Unders
40 Toes To Bar
30 DB Thruster (2 Hand )
20 Burpees
400M Run
20 Burpees
30 DB Thruster (2 Hand )
40 Toes To Bar
50 Double Unders