Strength : Z - Press 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 *Between Set 1Min Wall Sit
Condtioning :
AMRAP in 9Min
3 - 6 - 9 - Etc....
Hang Power Clean
Push Press
Cal Row / Bike
Finisher :
3 Rounds
100m Farm Walk (1ARM)
30 Sec Static GHD Back Ext.
Endurance 20:00 / 21:00
As Fast As Possible
50 Knee To Elbow 40 DB Squat (2Hand) 30 Box Jump Over 20 Weight Burpees (2Hand) (No Jump) 10 Muslce Ups 20 Weight Burpees (2Hand) (No Jump) 30 DB Squat (2Hand) 40 Box Jump Over 50 Knee To Elbow *Every Min = 100m Run
**Start With 100m Run Core / Bonus
Tabata - Side Plank