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שני 7.8.23



2 Sets: 6 + 6

2 Sets: 4 + 4

1 Set: 2 + 2

Increase weight / level of difficulty

Conditioning: (20 mins)

300m Run

21 Thrusters

21 Pull Ups

21 Bar Facing Burpees

2:00 Rest

300m Run

15 Thrusters

15 Pull Ups

15 Bar Facing Burpees

2:00 Rest

300m Run

9 Thrusters

9 Pull Ups

9 Bar Facing Burpees



EMOM 10Min

ODD : 30Sec Shuttle Sprint

EVEN : 10 Strict Pull Ups

EMOM 10Min

ODD : 30Sec Burpees

EVEN : 12 HR Push Ups

EMOM 10Min

ODD : 30Sec Cal Bike

EVEN : 14 DB Squat

EMOM 10Min

ODD : 30Sec Mountain Climbers

EVEN : 16 V-Ups

*ADD 5Sec &1 Rep Every 2Min

Rest 2Min Between EMOM


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